Home » Georgia Mayor Touting New Gun Ordinance That Violates State Preemption Law

Georgia Mayor Touting New Gun Ordinance That Violates State Preemption Law


I recently had the opportunity to visit Savannah, Georgia for the first time, and I was very impressed by what I saw. The city, or at least the historic district downtown, is absolutely beautiful. If I ever leave rural Virginia and move back to a more urban environment, however, Savannah won’t be on my short list of destinations. The city’s leadership has shown it doesn’t give a damn about following the law, at least when it comes to guns, and there’s no way I’m going to move somewhere my rights aren’t respected. 

LastweektheSavannahCityCouncilapprovedanewordinancerequiringgunownerstolockuptheirfirearmsinaglovecompartment,centerconsole,trunkorbehindthelastrowofseatsinvehicleswithouttrunks.Gunownersarealsorequiredtolockuptheirunoccupiedvehicleswhentheyleaveagunbehind,andfailuretocomplywiththeordinancecouldresultina30-dayjailsentenceanda$1,000fine.  Ifthosewerestoragesuggestions,I’dbeonboard.Theftsfromvehiclesareontherisearoundthecountry,andfirearmsarealwaysahotcommodityforthieves.Asgunowners,weshould takereasonablestepstopr