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Reformers Turn Out in Force at NRA Members Meeting


Today’s meeting of the NRA’s Board of Directors is could very well end up as the most consequential gathering of board members since 1977, when activists derailed an attempt to move the organization to New Mexico and take a step back from political advocacy. This time around reform-minded board members are confronting the legacy of corruption and misspending from former NRA leaders like Wayne LaPierre, and one of biggest fights that’s brewing is between reformers and the “old guard” over the issue of the NRA’s next executive vice president. 

Anotherissuethat’slikelytobecomeatopicofdebateattoday’sboardmeetingistheNRA’spotentialmovetoTexas.Reformersgotashotinthearm(sotospeak)onSaturdayduringtheNRAMembersMeeting,wherearesolutioninsupportofamovewasbroadlyrejectedbytheNRAmembersinattendance.  SociologistandgunownerDavidYamanepostedvideowithmostofthedebateoftheresolution,andI’dencourageeveryNRAmemberwho,likeme,couldn’tbeinDallasthisweekendtocheckitout.  VIDEO      Afewtakeaways: First,thecrowdwas