Home » Former ATF Official Slams USA Today Report on U.S. Guns and Mexico Cartels

Former ATF Official Slams USA Today Report on U.S. Guns and Mexico Cartels


On Wednesday, my colleague Tom Knighton and I both weighed in USA Today’s use of leaked data from Mexican military intelligence to make the case that the firearms industry is willfully and intentionally fueling cartel violence south of the border. On Wednesday night, I heard from retired ATF deputy assistant director Pete Forcelli, who had some thoughts of his own on the report. Instead of keeping that conversation to ourselves, I invited Pete to join me on today’s Bearing Arms Cam & Co to give his take on the report. 

“Thatarticlewasmoreofahitjobontheindustry”thanafairreport,Forcellitoldme.  ForcelliactuallyspoketoUSATodayreporterNickPenzenstadlerforthestory,thoughonlyacoupleofhiscommentsappearedinthepiece.  Oftheothersixtoppurchasers,halfarelinkedtotheBureauofAlcohol,Tobacco,FirearmsandExplosivesscandalknownasFastandFurious.  From2006-2011agentsinArizonastooddownasstrawpurchasersillegallybought2,000gunsatshops,intendingtousetheinformationtotracktraffickingpatternsandarrestthekingpins.However,agentsdidn’tdeliverthehigh-levelarres