Home » Vending Machines that Sell Ammo, Coming to a Store Near You?

Vending Machines that Sell Ammo, Coming to a Store Near You?

American Rounds has started installing ammunition vending machines in retail outlets around the United States.

Image from American Rounds video of first ammunition vending machine installationA technological development from an American company of a way to legally sell ammunition has been going viral. The use of vending machines to legally validate age and sell ammunition causes some people to ignore all facts and logic and emote “guns are bad!”

The vending machines in question, from American Rounds, use computer technology to validate age with picture ID. If the person attempting to purchase ammunition is over 21 years old, they may purchase the ammunition using a picture ID, which the machine validates using facial recognition software. Only credit or debit card purchases seem possible. There does not appear to be any way to pay with cash on the face of the machine. This means a double check of identification takes place, as the person whose identification is validated must also use a credit card, which has to be separately validated.