Home » What These Hackers Just Discovered Doesn’t Bode Well for Election Integrity This Year

What These Hackers Just Discovered Doesn’t Bode Well for Election Integrity This Year


It’s not a conspiracy theory, nor is it right-wing hysterics: our elections are vulnerable to cyber-attack. It’s hilarious that when we say it, we’re crackpots, though Democrats have been whining about Russian interference since 2016. Democrats still have a healthy slice of the party that feels to this day, despite it being debunked as an FBI election interference operation, that the Kremlin tilted the 2016 race and Trump is a KGB agent. It’s why the Russian collusion nonsense still has legs in the media—there are enough morons who continue to think it’s real. Myths aside, a hackers’ convention exposed glaring vulnerabilities in our election system this year. The good news is that we know where the problems are; the bad news is that we can’t do anything about it until after the election (via Politico): 

SomeofthebesthackersintheworldgatheredinLasVegasovertheweekendtotrytobreakintovotingmachinesthatwillbeusedinthisyear’selection—allwithaneyetohelpingofficialsidentifyandfixvulnerabilities.  Theproblem?TheirfindingswilllikelycometoolatetomakeanyfixesbeforeNov.5.  Inonesense,it’stheno