Home » Gun rights group chips in $100K for court challenge

Gun rights group chips in $100K for court challenge

Gun rights group chips in $100K for court challenge  cnhinews.com

BOSTON — A national gun rights group is pledging to help fund a legal challenge to overturn the state’s tough new gun control law that critics say will do little to prevent gun violence while depriving people of their constitutional rights.
The Firearm Industry Trade Association said it has donated $100,000 to the Massachusetts Gun Owners’ Action League to support the group’s legal challenge against new restrictions on firearms licensing signed into law by Gov. Maura Healey.
“Massachusetts is known as a birthplace of the American Revolution, but these lawmakers have turned their backs to rights that belong to the people and instead are instituting an Orwellian state over the citizens of the Commonwealth,” said Lawrence G. Keane, the association’s senior vice president and general counsel, said in a statement.

“Thefighttoprotectlibertyandindividualrightsbeginsanewandweareconfidentthatwhenfederalcourtsapplyscrutinytothislaw,itwillberelegatedtothetrashbinwhereitbelongs,”Keanesaid. Thenewlaw,signedbyHealeylastmonth,addsdozensoflongr