Home » EXCLUSIVE: Nonviolent ‘J6 Granny’ Slapped With Bitter Sentence

EXCLUSIVE: Nonviolent ‘J6 Granny’ Slapped With Bitter Sentence

On January 6th, 2021, personal friend, grandmother and engaged civil servant in her hometown of Santa Ynez, California Karen Jones was essentially, if you’ll excuse what has become a cliché, a tourist — a nonviolent, by the admission of the court, American visiting the Capitol she helps pay for via taxes.

The cops, emissaries of state, even granted her permission that day to enter the building, which she mistakenly took as permission to enter the building, an error she is now going to pay for with three years of probation, thousands of dollars in fines, and other draconian terms she must abide by or risk being tossed into prison.

Related: MSNBC:ReleasingJanuary6CapitolFootageIs‘Dangerous’ Followingseveralyearsofthreatsandintimidationbythegovernment,includingsendingtheFBItoherhomeandarbitrarilychangingcourtdatesandvenues,onSeptember5ththeUnitedStatesDistrictCourtinD.C.hasfinallypassedsentenceonKarenandherhusband,evenwhileacknowledgingtheydidnotcommitanyviolence,stealorvandalizeanything,orenterprivateoffices. Thecourt’sruling(emphasisadded): Defendantwassentence