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Another Member of the Trump Family Is Ready to Hold Office

On Wednesday, President-elect Donald Trump officially announced that he’d nominated Florida Senator Marco Rubio to serve as secretary of State in his upcoming administration. While many agree that is great news for our nation, it kind of leaves Florida in a bind. Rubio has represented the Sunshine State in the Senate since 2011, and is pretty popular there (in 2022, he easily won his re-election with over 1.2 million more votes than his Democrat opponent), but when he moves to Washington, D.C., next year, Governor Rick DeSantis must appoint someone to replace him until a special election is held in 2026.  

Whowillitbe?Manynameshavebeentossedaround,includingDeSantis’sownchiefofstaffJamesUthmeier,Florida’slieutenantgovernorJeanetteNunez,Florida’sattorneygeneralAshleyMoody,formerspeakeroftheFloridaHouseofRepresenativesJoséOliva,andU.S.DistrictjudgeRoyAltman.SomeevensupportDeSantisappointinghimselforhiswife,Casey,totheseat,thoughthatseemsunlikelyasDeSantishassaidheenjoyshisroleasgovernor.   Perhapsthemostnoteworthynameonthelist,however,isamemberoftheTrum