Home » Biden Lied About Hunter’s Pardon; He’s Had Lots of Practice

Biden Lied About Hunter’s Pardon; He’s Had Lots of Practice

Controversy surrounds President Joe Biden’s decision to pardon his son, Hunter. Delve into the reactions from the firearms community and the implications for the future.

On his way out the door, President Joe Biden has pardoned his son, Hunter, which he said repeatedly he would not do. Joe Biden IMG whitehouse-gov
Six months after telling the nation he would not pardon his son, President Joe Biden did exactly that, and reaction from the firearms community is overwhelmingly negative, even though the president’s move was hardly surprising.

HunterBidenwasconvictedinJuneofthreefederalfirearmsfelonieswhenajurytooklessthanthreehourstoconcludeheillegallypurchasedandpossessedafirearmwhileusingillegaldrugsandlyingaboutitonafederalForm4473.TherewasnosmallironyinthefactthatJoeBidenhadsupportedthelawshissonviolated. TheelderBidengrantedhissonafullandunconditionalpardon,renegingonthepromisehemaderepeatedly.Thehypocrisyofhisactionscamethroughinhisstatementofjustification:“NoreasonablepersonwholooksatthefactsofHunter’scasescanreachanyotherconclusionthanHunterwassin