Home » A CNN Panel Tried to Defend Biden’s Legacy. Scott Jennings Let Them Have It

A CNN Panel Tried to Defend Biden’s Legacy. Scott Jennings Let Them Have It

It’s hard to believe that anyone still thinks that Joe Biden’s legacy is worth defending anymore, yet, naturally, the folks at CNN never fail to disappoint.
On Sunday morning, host Dana Bash opened up a discussion for a panel about Biden’s legacy. “It is going to be really just days from now that Joe Biden will no longer be president,” she began. “How will his time in office be remembered? I think there’s a short—probably a shorter-term question and then a longer-term question.”

CNNcommentatorKarenFinneyimmediatelyjumpedintopraisePresidentBiden’shandlingoftheCOVID-19pandemic. “ThisisapresidentandvicepresidentwhohelpeduscomebackfromthebrinkduringCOVID,whenpeopleweredyingbythehundredsofthousandsonadailybasis,andwewereinourhomes,”Finneysaid,practicallyechoingWhiteHousetalkingpointsword-for-word. ShealsocreditedBidenforreopeningbusinesses(whichhehadnothingtodowith)andinvestinginthecountry’sfuture(whichisafancywayofsayinghespentalotofmoneyanddroveupthenationaldebt). FinneyalsopraisedBiden’sachievementsindomesticpolicy,particularlyth