Home » Newsom’s Proposed Anti-Second Amendment Receives No Support

Newsom’s Proposed Anti-Second Amendment Receives No Support

Since the convention and amendment were proposed, no other state has passed a resolution to support Governor Newsom’s effort.

Governor Newsom, 2019, wikimedia commonsOn June 8, 2023,  a year ago, Gavin Newsom, Governor of California and continuous supporter of ever-more laws restricting gun ownership and use, proposed an Article V convention of the states to amend the United States Constitution. The new amendment would allow for more restrictions on who may own firearms and what type they are allowed to own.

Since the convention and amendment were proposed, no other state has passed a resolution to support Governor Newsom’s effort.
The initial proposition did not propose language for the Article V convention.  It listed several possible restrictions without statutory language. Resolution 7 was passed on September 21 in the California legislature. After a long list of dubious assumptions, the effective wording of proposed restrictions is as follows: