Home » AP Reporter: The Kamala Honeymoon Is Coming to an End

AP Reporter: The Kamala Honeymoon Is Coming to an End


Even before Kamala Harris picked left-wing Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate, reporters were catching wind of Kamala Harris’s honeymoon period ending. That timeline might have been pushed up with Walz, a midwestern version of Lenin. The Democratic Party opted for political suicide instead of picking Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, which was everyone’s choice because it made the most sense. We all forgot that Kamala Harris is an idiot. For those who wonder why her campaign imploded before the 2020 primaries began, this is why: she makes horrific decisions, among other things. Last night, Associated Press reporter Michelle Price warned that Harris’ stock was about to crash (via RealClearPolitics):

JOHNBERMAN,CNN:Right.SothatissomethingthattheHarristeam,Idon’tthinkwe’rethinkingaboutwhentheybegantheircampaign15daysago,butnowhavetothinkaboutit.It’ssomethingyouknow,thingskeepchanging,andthey’reinanewplacetoday.  DANABASH,CNN:It’s15days,butitdoesfeellike15years,atleast15months.  MICHELLEPRICE,NATIONALPOLITICALREPORTER,THEASSOCIATEDPRESS:Ye