Home » It’s Alive! Biden Makes First Appearance Since Dropping Out

It’s Alive! Biden Makes First Appearance Since Dropping Out

Amid all the turbulence of the last couple of weeks, there is now at least one thing we can be sure of: Old Joe Biden, who is still the ostensible president of the United States, is still alive. After being diagnosed with COVID, dropping out of the race in a message on X that raised as many questions as it answered, and dropping out of sight other than a strange phone call to a Kamala Harris rally on Monday, Old Joe Biden finally reappeared on Tuesday afternoon, looking as hale and hearty as ever, that is, not at all.

Bidenwascaughtonvideoemergingfeeblyfromthepresidentiallimousine,carrying,butnotwearing,aCOVIDmask,asiftoremindtheworldoftheofficialstoryofwhyhehasbeenoutofsightforsolong.HeshuffleshaltinglyovertoAirForceOne,turningtofacethereporterswhoareshoutingquestionsathimabouthishealthandwhathethinksofKamalaHarris’chancesofbeatingDonaldTrump.AllOldJoesays,however,is“What?”ashecan’thearthequestionsovertheroarofthejetengines. Inanothervideo,areporterasksBidenwhyhedroppedoutoftherace,andalthoughhisconfusedreactionhasbeenwidelyinterpretedasanothersignofhiscognitivedecli