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Shooting Straight With Sen. Steve Daines

In the closely divided U.S. Senate, Montana Sen. Steve Daines is on Freedom’s side.

In the closely divided U.S. Senate, Montana is one of the states to watch. As this was being written, in Montana, the RealClearPolitics average had Tim Sheehy (R) up 1.5 points in polling over incumbent Sen. Jon Tester (D), but this was in the margin for error in the polling. As this is one of the races that could decide whether the balance of power shifts toward or away from our Second-Amendment protected freedom, we asked Montana’s other senator, Steve Daines (R), who, as you’ll see, is and has been on freedom’s side in just about every legislative battle in recent memory, about the 2024 election and what can be done to stop infringements on our rights and to enhance our freedom.

A1F:CanyouputinperspectivehowimportantthisNovember’selectionistoourSecondAmendmentfreedom? Daines:Thechoicecouldnotbeclearer.DonaldTrumpprotectedourSecondAmendmentfreedomswhenhewaspresident;KamalaHarris,ontheotherhand,isaSanFranciscoliberalandanti-SecondAmendmentradicalwhohaspledgedtoenactaso-called“gun-buybackprogram,”whichweallknowisfor