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Incoming Border Czar Has a Tough Message for Open-Borders Dem Governors

The man whom Donald Trump has tabbed to succeed Kamala Harris as border czar couldn’t be more perfect if he was sent over from central casting. Tom Homan is tough, plain-spoken, clear-sighted about what needs to be done to end the border crisis, and determined to do the job and do it right. As Matt Margolis noted here, “the left is already in an uproar” over Homan’s appointment, and the man himself, never one to shy away from a battle, on Friday made abundantly clear to his critics what they could expect from him.

FoxNewsreportedMondaythatHoman“hasaclearmessageforanyDemocraticgovernorswhoopposetheplannedmassdeportationoperation,”andit’sfarfromtheblathertowhichwehavegrowndispiritinglyaccustomedovertheyearsfromestablishmentRepublicans—youknow,thenonsenseaboutbipartisancooperationandmutualeffortsthattheleftgladlytakesadvantageofbutneverrespectsorreciprocates. Instead,Homancameoutswinging,sayingofDemocratgovernors:“Ifthey’renotwillingtohelp,thengetthehelloutofthewaybecause[ImmigrationandCustomsEnforcement(ICE)]isgoingtodotheirjob.” Thereareg